Step 1: Install

With this page or the login page open in your phone's web browser:

On iOS tap the Share button and choose "Add to Home Screen".

On Android tap the menu button (with the three dots) and choose "Install App" (Chrome), "Install" (Firefox), or similar option in other web browsers.

This installs the new web app on your phone's home screen.

Step 2: Sign In

Tap the icon for the newly installed app and sign in using your phone number or email address and the same password that you used for the previous version of the app or web portal. If you are a Client and you haven't previously set a password, tap the link on the login screen that says "Recover or set up your password".

Step 3: Enable Notifications

If your device supports notifications from web apps, in the app you will see a prompt to enable notifications. This is required to receive alerts when you have new messages.


After signing in you will see a menu button in the top left corner. This button provides a menu with the option to Sign Out, and for Coaches also offers an option to switch to the full desktop portal view. The menu may offer additional functionality in the future.